Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 In Perl

Repeat after me: I will not pretend to be an analyst or doomsayer, even though the end (of 2009) is nigh.

In 2009, Perl grew up a bit more, both as a language and as a community.

Language Development

Perl 5.10.1 came with a pony to those of us who fear the .0 releases.

The Perl 5.11 development tree got started, and it looks like it is rolling on rails. At this rate, we will see 5.12.0 quicker than you can say antidisestablishmentarianism.

... Perl 6 has made progress both on the specification side and in implementations -- yep, that is plural. It is sometimes confusing when naming changes under your feet, but it is acceptable while the spec is still settling.


In 2009, I think I saw more openness regarding the internal conflicts in the Perl community as a whole; there were abundant admissions that we were not communicating nearly as well as we should, that there was at least a small amount of internal bickering over the present and future state of the onion -- onions, I must inject, tend to come in many shapes and flavours, and are not always the same inside -- really, which way we are going, are we having a conflict or not (yes we are -- no we are not -- huh, are we talking? -- pass the chips), and get off my lawn before I shoot or hug you.

In brief, it looks to me like 2009 was the year when the community showed renews signs of self-awareness.

But much more happened. We got a closer focus on Perl visibility, from my POV mainly owing to Matt S. Trout's lightning talk challenge from NPW 2009, plus a whole range of people working on other PR aspects for ourselves. And mst still keeps his hair colour. Wow.

Other Stuff

I made new friends, I learned a lot, I even got to help out a bit, and I hope that this will continue in 2010.

I hope you will too.

Happy new year!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Dice Roller Deconstructed

As promised, here are the elements of last week's dice rolling code:

use v6;
This is a nice way to say that we are in Perl 6 land.

subset D10 of Int where 1..10;
A "D10" is a 10-sided die, and it can only have integer values in the range 1..10. Subtyping Int is an acceptable way of taking care of that.

sub is_success (D10 $roll, D10 $target) {
Here, I am already using the subtype D10 of Int. This subroutine compares the rolled die $roll with the target number $target, and is called from the subroutine roll() for each die in the dice pool. I chose to create an explicit subroutine because it seems a bit clearer what happens in the special case of a rolled 10, which means that you get to re-roll that die for a potential new success.

    my $n = 0;
if ($roll == 10) {
say "10 again";
$n += roll 1,$target;
If we roll a 10, then the roll() subroutine is called with a dice pool of 1 and the same target number as we got originally for determining success.

    $roll >= $target ?? $n + 1 !! $n;
We always return the number of successes from the roll for the "10 again" rule (if it happened), and in case this roll was a success, we return an additional success.

sub roll (Int $poolsize where { $_ > 0 }, D10 $target? = 8) {
The dice pool size can of course not be negative, but it also cannot be zero; you always get to roll a die, so I have added a type constraint for that. The target number is optional, defaults to 8, and has to be possible with a D10.

    my D10 @rolls = (1..10).pick($poolsize, :replace);
From left to right:
  • @rolls is an array that will contain the results of the normal die rolls
  • (1..10).pick($poolsize is a way of picking $poolsize dice having possible values in the range 1..10 and "rolling" (randomizing) each of them.
  • pick($poolsize, :replace) means that we not only pick a result, but we also make it possible to achieve the same result again. Specifically, it is important for us that each die can have ANY value, not just values that have not been picked before. The semantics of pick() are explained in .pick your game (the 15th gift in the Perl 6 Advent Calendar).

    say "Roll: " ~ @rolls.sort.join(",");
@rolls.sort.join(",") sorts the elements of the @rolls array and stringifies them joined with a comma, e.g. "1,2,3,3,4" for @rolls = 4,1,3,2,3

    [+] { is_success $_,$target };
This piece of code maps is_success $_,$target on every value in the @rolls array and creates a sum of those results. In other words, it sums up the number of successfull die rolls.

given @*ARGS.elems {
The @*ARGS array contains the command line arguments to the program, and .elems therefore is the number of arguments used.
    when 2   {
say "Target number: " ~ @*ARGS[1];
This block only runs in case we have two arguments, but it explicitly says that we may not be done yet: the continue statement counters the default implisit break to ensure that we can match the input value against other tests.
    when 1|2 {
my $n = roll |@*ARGS>>.Int;
say "Successes rolled: " ~ $n;
$n >= 5 and say "Exceptional success!";
We start off with a junction to say that either 1 or 2 is fine by us, we want both to match. Then we call roll() with the same arguments we got in, but each converted to Int. White magic. We store the value, and exclaim that the result is an exceptional success if it is.
    when *   {
$*ERR.say("roll.p6 poolsize [target]");
This is the equivalent of C's default, the catch-all that handles remaining uncaught cases. We print a helpful usage string to STDERR ($*ERR in Perl 6) and exit with the correct Unix exit code, praying that nobody uses a different kind of system.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dice Rolls for Role-Players

I realize that the title of this post is a bit of an oxymoron, because a Real Role-Player of course doesn't roll dice often. ;)

But in the cases where the Real Role-Player does roll dice, wouldn't it be nice to have a computer program to forget at home rather than some even more easily mislaid dice?

The Perl 6 Advent Calendar provided some inspiration for this post.

A problem with many minor programming examples you see on the net, is that they do not take into account the needs of a role-player. Role-players play many different systems, with different criteria for success in dice rolls. D6 (the regular six-sided cubic dice used for playing Monopoly, Yahtzee, etc.) are not used much in the majority of systems.

Therefore, I'll look at the Storyteller System, which is used in the World of Darkness series of games.

The general principle is that you have a pool of dice to roll, and you count your successes, which in this system is the number of dice that have a value greater than or equal to a given target number for the roll. The standard target number is 8 in most implementations. Five successes in the same roll is an exceptional success. Obviously, it's nice to have many dice to roll!

Here's a real Perl 6 program that works with Rakudo today: it accepts two command line parameters, the first being the size of the dice pool, the optional second parameter defines the target number for success:
use v6;

subset D10 of Int where 1..10;

sub is_success (D10 $roll, D10 $target) {
my $n = 0;
if ($roll == 10) {
say "10 again";
$n += roll 1,$target;
$roll >= $target ?? $n + 1 !! $n;

sub roll (Int $poolsize where { $_ > 0 }, D10 $target? = 8) {
my D10 @rolls = (1..10).pick($poolsize, :replace);
say "Roll: " ~ @rolls.sort.join(",");
[+] { is_success $_,$target };

given @*ARGS.elems {
when 2 {
say "Target number: " ~ @*ARGS[1];
when 1|2 {
my $n = roll |@*ARGS>>.Int;
say "Successes rolled: " ~ $n;
$n >= 5 and say "Exceptional success!";
when * {
$*ERR.say("roll.p6 poolsize [target]");

Thanks to moritz++ for ironing out two annoying mistakes!

Here are a few usage examples:
$ perl6 roll.p6 poolsize [target]

$ perl6 roll.p6 5
Roll: 1,2,7,8,9
Successes rolled: 2

$ perl6 roll.p6 5 2
Target number: 2
Roll: 1,2,2,4,9
Successes rolled: 4

$ perl6 roll.p6 5 4
Target number: 4
Roll: 6,8,9,10,10
10 again
Roll: 8
10 again
Roll: 2
Successes rolled: 6 - Exceptional success!

There are no comments in this piece of code, I want people to try to understand it as-is, based on the Perl 6 Advent Calendar. If you have any questions, comments, corrections, etc., don't hesitate, just write!

In my next blog entry, I'll pick the program apart and comment on what I've done and why, and who knows, maybe someone has come up with an elegant solution to the same problem.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

GCD - A Small Language Enthuser

fun gcd (x:int,y:int) : int =
case x of 0 => y
| _ => if x < 0 then gcd(y,0-x) else
if y < 0 then gcd(0-y,x) else
if y > x then gcd(y-x,x) else gcd(x-y,y);
"But that's not Perl!"
Yeah, yeah, I hear you.

I'll rectify that minor detail in a bit.

But first, an anecdote.

Back in the late nineteennineties, I was studying computer science, and one of the classes was about program specification and verification.

Several of the students already had a background with several programming languages, some were functional, some were imperative, and other languages were a bit confused about what they really were.

When studying program specification and verification, you either become rather obsessed with program correctness -- and hopefully elegance -- or you fail spectactularly.

There are several ways to muster enthusiasm when dealing with such studies; they can be rather, ehrm, theoretical.

I therefore flitted about, flirting with various programming languages, comparing them with the eagerness that young idealists do.

For some reason, I found Euclid's GCD algorithm to be particularly fascinating, for reasons unknown to men to this day.

The Perl version I saw was rather awful, and technically incorrect:
sub gcd {
if (!$_[0]) {
return $_[1];
if ($_[1] > $_[0]) {
return gcd ($_[1]-$_[0],$_[0]);
return gcd ($_[0]-$_[1],$_[1]);
Yikes. I mean, eep. And Perl does have a modulo operator.
sub gcd {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
$y ? gcd ($y, $x % $y) : abs $x;
I won't claim that the above code is the epitome of elegance, but it solves the problem in a general and easily read way (I admit a prejudice against $_[N]), while retaining correctness.

This is, BTW, one place where some golfers miss the boat; the GCD cannot be a negative integer. That's why the ML code at the top is so verbose.

Small challenges like these kept me going, and it can be an inspiring way to learn details in a new language. So, what would it look like in Perl 6?
sub gcd (Int $x, Int $y) {
$y ?? gcd($y, $x % $y) !! $x.abs;
What's your favourite algorithm for playtesting languages?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 Past and Future

In case the title wasn't a give-away: this is a non-technical blog entry.

I became an member by signing up for the mailing list shortly after the Nordic Perl Workshop 2009. That's cheap (well, free!), easy, and therefore newbie-friendly.

Last week, I dropped in at the general assembly and exercised my speaking and voting rights, and got an inside scoop on how this Perl organization works. The board members were, after all, the guys who did a terrific job arranging not only this spring's workshop, but also mostly the same people who held the workshop of 2006, which also went quite well.

From my point of view, has come from being an anonymous group to a rather solid little volunteer organization. Before 2006, I'd have said "huh?" if someone asked me who might have anything to do with Perl in Norway, afterwards, I knew there was something called, and so did a few people in Europe and the USA. After NPW 2009, I think it's safe to say that the organization is now known as a stable and capable group of Perl mongers. That's a decent achievement, especially in this age, when it seems like almost nobody (in Norway) is willing to do anything free of charge.

So what did they think about themselves, and what's going to happen in the near future?

True to the Norwegian spirit, they were modest and self-disparaging, but they were very happy that the attendees were apparently happy, even months later.

Salve J. Nilsen, the Great Leader of 2009, bowed and said farewell to the post of chairman, and now Marcus Ramberg is at the helm.

The new board will attempt to increase local activity, and there will probably be some kind of technical talk on the first Wednesday of almost every month in 2010. They aim to increase cooperation with local Perl-using companies, as well as aiming for some cross-language and language agnostic sessions.

First out is tomorrow's Perl 5.10 session at Redpill Linpro, which I'm sure will be technically rewarding for those who show up. I plan to!